Tatra mountain guide, Tomasz Świst, Home

Welcome to Lodowy,
on the side of mountain
passion and adventure.
Feel invited to join climbing
and exploring Tatras together!
Book your trip now!

Licensed Tatra mountain guide invites you to visit Tatra and Pieniny mountains

Comprehensive holiday service from advising about and booking accomodation to suit your needs and budget and advising
about local activities. Guided mountain trips to Tatras and Pieniny range. Dunajec river canyon rafting. Sightseeing tours
along trails of historical sites of both Polish and Slovak Carpathian Highlands area presenting rich cultural heritage of many
centuries of highlanders from North and South.
Feel invited to join climbing and exploring Tatras - the pearl of Carpathians together!
Phone +48 603 531 835
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nick: Nikita
2012-03-27 23:43
Gdzież to tym razem wiatr uniósł Cię na swych skrzydłach?



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Terra Borealis. Spitsbergen 2022

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Freedom call

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Towards the Dark Night of the Soul

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Lumen de lumine

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And The One, who sees in secret, will reward you.

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Lapland's autumn vibes. 50 days of splendid isolation.

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November moods

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Strategic pause.

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Lonely islands. Lough Ree.

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Prayers that never end.

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Mount Brandon.

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Freedom call

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I like Mondays.

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nick: Ania
2020-06-22 22:40
Witam serdecznie Panie Tomaszu! Nie mam fejsbuka ale jestem prawie na bieżąco! Sachalin i Bronisław Piłsudzki zwrócili moją uwagę niedawno dzięki serialowi Młody Piłsudski. Pana opowieść dopełniła i potwierdziła to, jak niezwykłe to miejsce. 29 czerwca będę oglądać i słuchać Pana napewno! Pozdrawiam w imieniu turystycznej braci z Rzeszowa! Anna Machnicka


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In Kemihaara's taiga

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Tangerine Dream.

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Happy New Year

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Borealis. Invitation.

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Your Way, Dingle Way

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Winter is coming.

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Irish trails

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Tangerine dawn...

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Tomkowa Dream 2019

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Laponia 2019

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Dzwiniacz Mist

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Sl'ubica. All Saints' Morning.

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Marmarosh fulfillment. Carpathian October summer.

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Wunderland Found. Polar Urals 2018

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Tatra mountain guide. Reactivated.

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Springtime again!

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In the Glory of Silence. Laponia wintering 2018.

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Misty frontiers. Subpolar Urals 2018

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The Four Corners of the World. From One End to the Other. Russia 2017

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One month in taiga. Laponiada 2017

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Sarek. Poetry of the North.

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There is luck in leisure... Snowdonia 2016

There is luck in leisure they say... Passing through the very heart of Welsh highlands five years ago in the halfway of memorable transeuropean travels I didn't find enough time and motivation for proper exploration of picturesque Snowdonia, but the right occasion finally occured on the last weekend of February this year while driving back across Europe, from Poland to Ireland. Brilliant sunday filled with enjoyable, classical hike to Mount Snowdon summit from Pen y Pass and descent via Miner's track. Surprisingly favourable weather and scenery with some icy snowfields on the steep section below the final Bwlch Glas pass, quite tricky without crampons I left in the boot of my car down in the valley... Some truly amazing evening impressions while descendnig to Nant Cynnyd valley.
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When February meets May in Tatras...

Before you go far, far West... cosy nooks on your way. When February meets May, just for one, single, brilliantly sunny day at northern feet of White and High Tatras... Unbelievable 16 Celsius on plus at noon in the usual, very middle of wintertime in the land of Javorina.
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Welcome to the New Year!

Barefoot, but with spurs!
It brings tears to my eyes, it's over... that it's time to say farewell to that glorious, past year
Carpatholaponian dreamm odyssey to be put to the shelf of memories
Wishing you all to stay wild at heart, joyful and free.
There's only one life to live, so let it be filled with noble deeds,
in that chasing after the wind...
Happy New Year everyone!
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Peuraselkä. Asylum of solitude on cloudy marshlands.

“Solitude is independence. It had been my wish and with the years I had attained it.
It was cold. Oh, cold enough! But it was also still, wonderfully still and vast
like the cold stillness of space in which the stars revolve.”
Hermann Hesse
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Taiga's silent whispers. Laponian frontiers again.

The longing. The haunting story of longing which has already begun somewhere there, on hot Carpathian polonynas and changed my mind of finalizing my long, summer hike on the Danube waters in Bratislava brought me here again, to that mysteriously beloved farnorthern frontier in sentimental chase after by-gone November fairy-tale... just to feel that umistakeable thrill of the raw, arctic life like then in 2011, for the very first time, the one that has never left my heart... but also due to some strange fear of not having another good occasion to come here soon again... what am I talking about!?
Two weeks in northern wilderness, from hut to hut both in depressive somberness of the ending Arctic daylight and first, glittering chords of Laponian wintertime.
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Arctic Winds of Khibiny.

Travelling across Russia to the North. No Polar Ural this time, but equally icecold, windy Khibiny mountains at the base of Kola Peninsula wilderness right on my way. There, where scary huge postsoviet industral ideas rotting and wildly vibrant at the same time meet neverending, untouched farnorthern wild mountain desert in close embrace creating unbelievably confusing, but still so interesting esthetic impression. Visiting Kirovsk town and hiking to Mount Kukisvumchorr summit.
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Carpathian reminiscences.

Carpathians, Carpathians... the everlasting smell of freedom and sunshine. Carpathians, the very first dream of reaching heaven through that primeval mystery reflecting voices of desire echoeing somewhere in the depths of your heart and soul. The time has come, 20 years of life driven by mountain passion called for paying tribute to the heartland where everything began, for fulfilling the purest dream without hesitation.
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nick: Tomek
2016-02-02 21:19
No, to przyłapała mnie Pani Aniu na tekście jeszcze przed edycją :))) Jakże mógłbym zapomnieć? :) a remanenty na stronie trwają, codziennie to tu to tam cosik przybywa, zawsze zapraszam. Co do lata, wszystko przed nami :) Pozdrawiam serdecznie!
nick: Ania
2016-01-31 21:45
Czytam i oczom nie wierzę! Brać z Rzeszowa - to my przecież ! Cieszymy się wszyscy z tego sierpniowego spotkania również! A ja myślę i myślę gdzie nas Pan poprowadzi w sierpniu tego roku....? Czy Rysy od Ciężkiej, czy Młynarz, czy Wysoka, czy Gerlach ... ?Zdjęcia oglądam na bieżąco. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

The Great Carpathian Traverse 2015

Everyone's kindly asked to cross fingers for my good luck on the hike I start in a few days time at Danube's Iron Gates... the longest mountain walk I've ever undertaken, 2200 kilometers and around 100 days of backpacking across the whole Carpathian Arch...across Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Rep. and Slovakia. Tough challenge after painful injuries I am still recovering from, but I just feel I need to go to the mountains for long right now, to enjoy the simplicity of life in the woods and find peace again...
somewehere in the beloved Carpathian highlands.
[tab facebook.com/Carpathia2015]The Great Carpathian Traverse 2015/tab] June - September 2015.
With immortal Thoreau's..."“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.”
I love to try to practice that again and again.
Hope you all enjoy great summer season in the mountains of the world this year!
See you!
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nick: Tomek Lodowy
2015-08-02 12:45
Nie tylko wiem, ale i z całą pewnością tam będę! Matecznik zaprasza wieczorami :). A póki co, jeszcze kawolecek, dzis rzadze w Kwasach.
nick: Kubiks
2015-07-31 15:10
Tomek - powodzenia! Może do zobaczenia w okolicach 22 sierpnia - wiesz gdzie :)

Misty and blooming... Carpathian springtime.

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Lapland Dreams 2015. From Naruska to Saariselkä.

One month in Finnish Lapland, Ski Hike - Naruska-Korvatunturi-Saariselkä 26.02-21.03.2015. More stories to tell soon...
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Tatra Winter Horizons 2015

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Carpathian horizons from Mount Pikuy. Zakarpattia winter trip.

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Ringing frost, flaming polonynas.

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Special thanks

Special thanks to all my friends contributing in creating that website:
Wojciech Koscielniak /nethium.pl/, Larry Carreau, Eric Visentin, Radu Paltineanu, Eric Chumachenco, Tomas Kristofory, Peter Budai, Artyom Romanov, Roberto Guasco, Tiziana Ciaghi, Lukas Zemanek, Enrique Zozaya, Lolli P., Paulo Roberto Felipe da Silva, Samer Hajric, Vid Pogačnik to be continued...
"Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:35)
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