Guide de montagne des Tatras, Tomasz Świst, Following wolf's trace. Tatra winter adventure. 7-9th March 2011

Following wolf's trace. Tatra winter adventure. 7-9th March 2011

Hard to believe, but there are still some bites of Tatras I have never tasted, places that after all these years filled with mad fascination for exploration remain undiscovered for me. That makes them especially tempting now, when I stay so far from my beloved peaks and valleys. Until early March, the uppermost part of Koprova valley where the legendary forest wilderness of Temne Smreciny spreads was among those missing places.
During those 3 sunny, winter days in Tatras I found time for recalling myself on skis around Strbske Pleso and living an unforgetable survival adventure while ski crossing Tatra range from Tri Studnicky on southern side to North through passes of Zavory and Tomanova towards Ornak on Polish side. No signs of any human in the mountains just wolf's traces at dawn to follow...Gorgeous winter scenery of those days and the fact that my Guardian Angel took good care of me once again that long, frosty(-15 Celsius) night with unplanned bivouac down in Ticha valley deep forests makes the trip one of the most memorable ones in recent seasons.
""Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" - Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:26-27)
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