Guía de montaña de los Tatras, Tomasz Świst, From hut to hut. Following winter trail of Ivalojoki gold rush. Finnish Lapland 2012

From hut to hut. Following winter trail of Ivalojoki gold rush. Finnish Lapland 2012

On the trail of forest huts and cabins, up the icebound Ivalojoki river. Lapland's gold rush remnants unhidden from deep snows, from Ivalo via Kultala to Kuttura village. Full photostory for the recent winter roaming across Far Northern woods in the photogallery published above.
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"The way that you wander is the way that you choose, The day that you tarry is the day that you lose.
Sunshine or thunder, a man will always wonder. Where the fair wind blows." - Jeremiah Johnson
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