Tatranský horský vůdce, Tomasz Świst, One day in Bielovodska valley

One day in Bielovodska valley

This April began in Tatras with wonderful sunny weather and I just couldn’t wait more for going to the mountains after coming back home from gloomy Ireland. My eyes were missing the view of old, beloved places for so long that there was no hesitation where to go first, where to open new hiking season. Last Friday morning along with first rays of rising sun appearing on snowy summits on the horizon I entered Bielovodska valley at Lysa Polana. Due to lack of any winter equipment my trip led through the whole length of the valley ending at the threshold of Kacacia and Litvorova valleys. If morning hike up the valley was just a pure fun, the descent became a real, neverending torment in deep, wet snow. Luckily the weather was just perfect and I reached Palenica meadow on Polish side before dark, crossing earlier border Bialka river around Stara Roztoka following bear traces... Quite exhausting, but really great hike and comeback to Tatras with some fabulous impressions throughout the day in Bielovodska valley, the day the greatest Tatra valley was presenting all its beauty only for me, since I haven’t met anybody there beside scaring away a herd of beautiful deers crossing the stream at dawn.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde
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